NYC Composting Kickoff - March 25th

As part of this NYC Mandated program, our school is required to sort our food scraps and food-soiled paper into Brown Bins for collection by the Department of Sanitation (DSNY).
New Yorkers create a lot of waste every day, and our school is no exception. The good news is over 86% of NYC Public School waste can be diverted from landfills through recycling and composting! When food scraps and food-soiled paper are separated from other materials, schools can significantly reduce the amount of waste sent to far away landfills, which pollute the environment and contribute to climate change. 
The compost created from school organics is put to good use in NYC’s gardens and parks! In fact, I.S. 281 recently had a delivery of 50 bags of compost, that our STEM Science teachers and students will use to grow vegetables in our outdoor Organics Garden.
Our cafeteria and school staff have been trained and procedures are in place, to guide students through the process of sorting and recycling their lunch items when they are finished eating each day.  Students will be informed by their deans and AP's about how garbage disposal will work beginning on Monday the 25th. 
Please take the time to review the attached information, as well as remind your children/students, so they are aware of the recycling protocols that will be in place on Monday.
While this change in daily routine will take some getting used to, we know our students are up to the challenge! Together with every NYC Public School, our efforts to implement Curbside Composting will make New York City and the world a more sustainable place to live!
Thank you for your time and attention.
Ms. Bender