Technical Support for Families

Getting Started in Google Classroom

  1. Go to TeachHub(Open external link)
  2. Enter your DOE student account email (it ends in
  3. Enter your password.
  4. Click Sign In.
  5. If the username and password entered are correct, you will be signed into the remote learning portal successfully.
  6. Click on the Google Classroom icon.
  7. Now you are in Google Classroom!

Video Tutorial

You can also watch a quick video on how to access your Google Classroom:


Translated Video Tutorials

Watch the Google Classroom Student video tutorials(Open external link), available in multiple language.


Your Student Account ID and Password

To retrieve your account ID and password:

  1. Go to Student Account Self Service(Open external link)
  2. Enter your 9-digit Student ID (OSIS) number. (You can find your Student ID number on a report card, your student ID card, or in your NYCSA account.)
  3. Enter your birthday.
  4. Click Continue.
  5. If the information you enter matches your student record, your username will be displayed. 
  6. Your student ID is your username followed by For example, if your username is JaneD, your student account ID is [email protected].
  7. If you haven't already set up a password, you will be asked to set one up.
  8. Pick a password that only you will know.
  9. Re-enter your password.
  10. Click Update Password.

Video Tutorial

You can also watch a quick video on how to access your student account information:

Getting Started with Zoom - NYCDOE

How to Use Zoom Now

Even though you are allowed to use Zoom now, you cannot simply use Zoom as you did before. You must use the DOE-licensed version of Zoom. But it's easy: just sign in with your DOE account credentials. 

Where to Start

  1. Go to TeachHub(Open external link)
  2. Enter your DOE student account email address (it ends in
  3. If you don't know your DOE student account email, visit DOE Student Accounts.
  4. Enter your password.
  5. Click Sign In.
  6. If the username and password entered are valid, you will be signed into the remote learning portal successfully.
  7. Click on the Zoom icon.
  8. You’re in Zoom!

Things You Can Do in Zoom

Here are things you can do in Zoom:

  • Join a Zoom meeting for remote learning
  • Meet with guidance counselor or other school staff
  • Work with a DOE service provider
    • See up to 49 meeting participants on the screen
    • Raise your hand during a meeting

Video Tutorial

You can also watch a quick video on how to join nycdoe zoom:



Video Tutorial

You can also watch a quick video  on using ZOOM with your account (phone, tablet, or laptop!):