School Uniform

Thank you,
Ms. Bender
School Uniform Policy
The Staff, P.T.A., Student Council and School Leadership Team of Joseph B. Cavallaro, I.S. 281 are proud that we are a mandated uniform school. The uniform policy has proven to be successful both in creating a positive school tone and in maintaining a safe and secure environment. The School Uniform Policy is as follows:
Shirts: All solid white or solid black non-logo bearing shirts may be worn. Tank tops, cami’s or belly shirts are not acceptable. Cavallaro apparel is also acceptable uniform attire.
Pants: Black pants, leggings, capris or jeans only. Pants are to be worn at the waist. Any student found wearing pants below the waist will have their parent/guardian contacted immediately. Tights are not permitted as pant wear.
Skirts: Black skirts of moderate length (fingertip length). If a skirt is worn, tights should be worn. No miniskirts are permitted.
Footwear: Sneakers or shoes may be worn. No flip flops, crocs or slides are permitted. Socks must be worn.
Outerwear: All white or all black sweaters, hoodies, zip-up sweatshirts, track jackets or vests may be worn over a visible all white or all black top. Non-zip pullover hoodies are considered a form of outer clothing. **Only Cavallaro slogan-wear hoodies are permitted.
In warm weather, students are permitted to wear black shorts (not bike shorts) instead of pants. The shorts must be fingertip or knee length or longer. If the knee length rule is not followed, parents/guardians will be contacted to bring in proper uniform clothing. The uniform rule for shirts remains all year long with the exception of School Spirit Days. **All white or all black means no company logo larger than two inches. A design or picture on the front or back of the shirt is not acceptable.
White shirts with the Cavallaro logo, Cavallaro slogan T-shirts/Hoodies, black mesh shorts and black sweat pants both with a Cavallaro seal can be purchased in our School S.O. store during students’ lunch periods.
Short sleeve white: $10.00 each Long sleeve white: $15.00 each Cavallaro slogan shirts: $10.00 each
Hooded sweatshirt: $25.00 each Black mesh shorts: $15.00 each Black sweatpants: $25.00 each